Drip Lines
IrriSmart offer 2 bespoke dripline solutions, The spacings and flow rates have been developed over may years in French vineyards although we can create bespoke to suit any location, climate, environment, planting or soil type.
UniWine AS – this system is designed for new vineyard and is installed below the surface, this reduces damage from insects and animals, also transpiration, and humidity therefore reducing disease risk.
UniWine RC – is specifically designed for established vineyards and can be laid on the ground or clipped to wire support to keep it away from damage.
Both system give 100% uniform aplication from the first emitter to the last. And with proper system design will give 100% uniform aplication of water and nutrients across the whole vineyard.

- Reduces harmful viruses
- Circulates fresh clean air
- Breaks down unwanted bacteria
- Attacks odours at their source
- Removes unhealthy microbes from the air
- Makes every room smell freshly cleaned
- Maintains sanitized surfaces
- Stops mould and fungi growth
- Clears smelly compounds in the air 24/7

› Chemical Free
› Fan operation distributes cleaning air
› Annual lamp change maintains performance
› Robust vandal resistant Aluminium casing
› Wall or ceiling mountable on four screws
› Plug in or quickly wired into fused spur

Added Surface Disinfection
Testing demonstrates AIRsteril technology can have a beneficial effect on spoilage bacteria on food throughout the food chain. Our technology is effective on airborne and surface bacteria and is safe to use in occupied areas.

Don't Forget Food Production
These unique chemical free disinfection solutions are also available in a wide range of models to fit:
Food Processing,
Or Food Storage/ Chillers.
Controlled Environment Growing