Drip Lines
IrriSmart offer 2 bespoke dripline solutions, The spacings and flow rates have been developed over may years in French vineyards although we can create bespoke to suit any location, climate, environment, planting or soil type.
UniWine AS – this system is designed for new vineyard and is installed below the surface, this reduces damage from insects and animals, also transpiration, and humidity therefore reducing disease risk.
UniWine RC – is specifically designed for established vineyards and can be laid on the ground or clipped to wire support to keep it away from damage.
Both system give 100% uniform aplication from the first emitter to the last. And with proper system design will give 100% uniform aplication of water and nutrients across the whole vineyard.

NEW- PCJ Super
1.45 l/h Online Dripper
This Unique Online compact pressure-compensated, continuously self-flushing dripper. Is designed specifically for the UK berry, salad, substrate & protected crop market.
The Dripper comes with a 1.45l/h flow rate designed for guaranteed uniformity, no mater your substrate. As well as shortening irrigation cycles for shorter, more regular irrigation.

Benefits & Features

•Pressure compensated - Precise and equal amounts of water delivered over a broad pressure range, ensuring 100% uniformity of water and nutrient distribution along the laterals.
•Super High CNL - Genuine 2.5m shut off pressure and non-leakage eliminates drainage and refill effect and improves efficiency in pulse irrigation even in steep topography.
•Continuously self-flushing - Flushes debris throughout operation, while ensuring constant dripper operation even in challenging water qualities.
•Bespoke flow - Flow of 1.45 l/h particularly well suited for irrigation of berries.
•Robust construction - 100% ultrasonic welded construction allowing reliable operation in harsh climatic conditions.
•Flexible - Drippers can be positioned exactly where required. Number of drippers can be increased to increase the water quantities applied.

•Pressure-compensated range according to table below.
•Recommended filtration: 130 micron / 120 mesh.
Filtration method selected based on the kind and concentration of dirt particles contained in the water.
•TurboNet™ labyrinth with large water passage.
•Insertable into thick wall blank PE pipes (0.90, 1.00, 1.20 m).
•Injected dripper, very low CV.
•High UV resistant. Resistant to standard nutrients used in agriculture.
•Meets ISO 9261 Standards with Israel Standard Institute (SII)-certified production.
•Barb to 3mm outlet